Sparring Glove
Also, you may like MMA Glove, Bag Glove
Sparring Glove
Sparring gloves are used in training to strike and block punches from a training partner, they are basically extra-padded, with at least 2 inches of foam. Commonly use as training gloves so that you’re not hurting your sparring opponent and yourself. Fighters will usually use sparring gloves that tighten using Velcro because this allows them to put the gloves on and remove them quickly during a training session.
How to Order – There are 2 Options:
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2) By Delivery
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- For Residential Location, Add $35 for delivery, (for the above product)
- For CBD and Town Location, Add $40 for delivery
- Restricted Zone - to be advised
- Delivery Day: Mon to Fri Only, Timing: 10am - 5pm
- For Delivery 5pm to 7pm – Additional charges of $10
- Advance Payment via Paylah or Paynow
Our Showroom1092 Lower Delta Road, #06-10, Singapore 169203Tel: 6372-1581Location Map, MRT, Buses
Opening Hours: 11am - 5pm (Mon to Fri)10am - 2pm (Sat)(Sat - By Appt Only)Close on (Sun) & PH
Self Collection:Payment via CashPayNow / PaylahNets and VISA Not Available
Delivery: Within 2 working daysPre-Payment viaPayNow / Paylah Only